Saturday 1 April 2017




Published on 6 Apr 2015
A father gives a true account of his family viciously targeted after he reports a paedophile to Police Officers in Scotland. A paedophile attempted to buy access to their son for £25,000! - he reports this to cops and they target his kids!

This paedophile was very close friends with a member of the aristocracy - a Viscount. This Viscount threatened parents if they reported his friend to the Police that he would get social services onto their children.
This happened.
Not only did police officers not investigate this paedophile but they sent a litigious report to social services about this family - even though they had not seen or met the children.

The parents took their children to Ireland for a week to contact their government safely about police corruption. Scottish Police contacted Interpol to find this family.

The police and social services then entered lies into their children's health notes and planned an attack on this family by supplying false information to irish police who seized these children with armed officers.

The four children were placed into foster homes - because their parents reported a dangerous paedophile to the police.

An Irish judge returned the children to the police after she ruled in favour of the parents and the children. The correspondence from these parents to governments was described as explosive.


Critical response of the cover up Report by Police Scotland 23rd May 2015
Let me state the obvious from the beginning:
The clear reason why this report has been written with contradictory comments is because the senior officers are up to their neck in corruption, although it is clever to try to conceal their corruption by admitting to the minor wrong-doing of junior officers; trying to lay the blame at their feet. Of course these officers are liable and corrupt and their actions indefensible but the report by Inspector Goldie has tried to compromise the truth to protect the role of senior officers by offering inconsistent statements and concessions in a minor way against lower level officers.
This report which was clearly rushed out as it contains a great many contradictions, not only within the report itself but contradictions against what Police Scotland has said before. It was sent to me a day after the SPA received my complaint about Stephen House. 
This is patently obvious as it is obvious that the whole report by Police Scotland is a sham. It seems I have to point this out to PIRC as they are at pains to close this complaint even before their investigation has begun. Why?
I will evaluate each complaint and attempt not to be too sarcastic, which is difficult given the shameful drivel, and point out the obvious to PIRC. 
Of course Police Scotland has only chosen to respond to these three complaints. I have made many more. I note, for example that they have failed to mention my complaint about them contacting Interpol (immediately after sending me an email stating that I was not accused of any crime, they only wanted my address). Is it normal to contact Interpol to locate a family, no member of which had committed a crime? Of course not, but if Police Scotland address that complaint they cannot possibly put the blame at the door of a junior officer. Even they know they cannot blame that on PC Lamont, much as I am sure they would like to.

The attempt to cover up: Allegation 1, the nominated perjurer DS MacDougall
The report interestingly states that “a police officer”, not DS MacDougall, failed to tell the truth during court proceedings and has recorded this as a ‘neglect of duty’.
I bet your average criminal wishes their crimes could be dismissed as a neglect of duty! Police Scotland is trying to pretend this was a mild oversight when in fact this was wilful criminal behaviour.
Firstly, DS MacDougall had no right to make an assessment of our mental health and declare it in court as a fact. He has no expertise, had never met us, or had any contact with us. MacDougall’s testifying in court against parents who reported a paedophile demonstrates a very loaded agenda from Police Scotland. 
MacDougall’s testimony that we were “delusional” is only amusing in that it clearly reveals Police Scotland’s own attitude which is that you have to be delusional to expect Police Scotland to investigate paedophilia.
He is a discredited witness and a disgraceful police officer.
This finding of neglect of duty is an attempt to diminish the criminal role played by MacDougall in attempting to have children removed from their parents because they reported a paedophile.
These comments are also contradictory as they record his perjury to the court as a ‘neglect of duty’ and then go on to defend his statement to the court.
The report states that no one criticised the quality of the evidence.
The hearing was extremely rushed for a special sitting of the judge at TUSLA’s request and as a favour to Police Scotland et al in order to prohibit us from being able to have a proper consultation with legal representation or indeed have time to find out the damned lies that were being hurled against us.
Moreover, there was no criticism by the judge or my solicitor at that point as they had not heard opposing evidence.
The Judge did make a derisory comment about Police Scotland at the second hearing. 
Understandably, she also gave more credit to the psychiatrist’s opinion than that of DS MacDougall, hence her ruling in our favour.
The report states that there was no correspondence from the Irish authorities about MacDougall’s evidence. I think the author of this tripe is delusional if he thinks that this would happen and it is a very poor point for arguing in defence of a discredited liar. 
The conclusion for this part of the sham of a report is to state there is “insufficient evidence” to support this allegation. Does the psychiatric report from a proper qualified psychiatrist finding me and my wife as far from delusional not count as evidence? 
Who is kidding who here?
 Of course there is evidence. Leaving aside MacDougall’s lack of qualifications in psychiatry and the fact that an educated psychiatrist completely contradicted MacDougall, what kind of ‘detective’ would actually make this claim after parents reported a paedophile to the police and to the government, unless he was part of a disgraceful cover up.
The Home Secretary does not regard us as delusional. Neither do two psychiatrists. 
This contradictory response of, on the one hand, neglect of duty and, on the other hand, of “no evidence” is Police Scotland’s viewing this from the perspective of potential litigation as opposed to how it should be viewing this which is dealing with serious criminal corruption within the police force.
Police Scotland is trying also to exonerate responsibility from their senior officers such as
MacDougall’s colleague and line manager, Detective Inspector Goldie, who ‘wrote’ this report but did not contact me with it. The nominated perjurer was chosen by someone – presumably his line manager - who not only sanctioned, but must have ordered, his travelling to Ireland to commit perjury. 
He was chosen well in terms of his lack of scruples but not so well in terms of his lack of intelligence – however I can see how choosing someone based on that criteria would present a problem for Police Scotland.
 It does not make reference to Inspector’s Brown or Inspector Cordiner who sanctioned Buchan’s actions.
PIRC’s attempt to dignify this written diahorrea is appalling.

The attempt to cover up: Allegation 2, Alan Low and therefore Viscunt Petersham
The same approach of a contradictory compromise of finding lower officers in neglect of duty whilst standing by corruption is continued in this section of the ‘report’.
Interestingly the report only now mentions Alan Low and is at pains to cover up his criminal actions presumably because of his association to his BFF Viscount Petersham.
It states “at an unknown date and location”. Of course it was known. I gave the details to police Scotland officers. The location I stated clearly as East Lodge, Crimonmogate, obviously, I lived there. The date I told officers approximately and said I could give them the exact date later but they were not interested.
Clearly the address was not recorded on the police system as this was the address of the Viscount’s estate and the police certainly did not want to implicate him. 
This states that the police failed to investigate my neighbours offer of money for my son. This is again recorded as a neglect of duty. 
None of this is just neglect of duty. This was the active collusion of police Scotland officers with Alan Low and his best friend Viscount Petersham – a ‘man’ who moved from his family’s property portfolio in Kensington to live in a run-down estate in salubrious Peterhead – near a paedophile prison.
Thereafter there is a catalogue of further inaccuracies – all by appearances to defend Alan Low but really to cover up the involvement of Viscount Petersham.
There was no incident created on the police system. I was not given an incident number. This was needed to give to my insurance companies for the damages to vehicles – also reported to Sgt Buchan and PC’s Lamont and Saunders but not investigated by any of them.
“Sergeant Buchan thereafter made contact with you personally” This is incorrect. I contacted the call centre and, after I gave brief details, the woman I spoke to told me that she would put me through to Sgt Buchan. She gave his name. I assume from that that the people working in the contact centre are told to transfer calls from anyone reporting paedophilia to Sgt Buchan. Buchan was notably much more interested in the details of my children than the crime I was reporting. 
The report states that Peterhead Police Lodge was chosen, not Fraserburgh, as this was too close to where Alan Low resided. 
Don’t tell me this is normal police procedure. What possible problem could there be about Alan Low -who lived on the Viscount’s estate 30 meters from me - being closer to Fraserburgh? Fraserburgh was a ten minute drive away. It was not even as if the police station could be seen from his house, although what would it matter if it could. That police Scotland have actually written this in their report beggars belief. 
It is even revealed in this report that on the night that I was at Peterhead police station Alan Low was with Buchan in Fraserburgh. Again, do not try to tell me this is normal police procedure. Subtlety is clearly not Police Scotland’s forte.
After my first call Buchan said he would call me back.  Presumably after he contacted Low and Viscount Petersham so he could arrange to meet Low in Fraserburgh while I was with two very inexperienced officers in Peterhed.
The report states that I was seen at Peterhead Police Station by PC Kathryn Lamont. This is inaccurate. I was led to believe that I would be meeting Sgt Buchan but met both Lamont and PC Rory Saunders, who was notably dropped the next day when both Lamont and Buchan came to my house.
The whole paragraph “Constable Lamont….strong bond with the child” is a total fabrication. I said none of this. This is to depict Alan Low, not as a homosexual man living with two teenage homosexual boys, but rather a man with a previous partner, supportive of a child with learning difficulties as well as being a charity fundraiser and philanthropist! What a load of guff. Alan Low is now a ‘pillar of the community’. What a contrived and insipid piece of flannel to defend a paedophile who tried to buy my son.
The next paragraph is all shocking lies and nonsense again. Clearly certain officers within Police Scotland are so desperate to continue the ‘delusional’ theme that they have written this libellous report with the intention of portraying me as a complete nutter. They do not need to use the word ‘delusional’ to continue their tactic and continue to imply I am mentally imbalanced. This paragraph is ridiculous. Are Police Scotland trying to say that I phoned up to report a man who offered me money for my son, then when I met PC Lamont (and what happened to PC Saunders that he’s been omitted?) I forgot what I was there for and started to talk about what a great guy Alan Low was, and then I suddenly remembered again that he had offered me money for my son. What a lot of rubbish! This contrived attempt to portray me as a madman not only contradicts the reason for my visiting the police station but also contradicts my emails to the National Crime Agency earlier that week and my recorded letter to the Viscount (which someone burgled my house in Ireland looking for after I was asked if I had kept a copy). Interestingly this breaking and entering was on the same day DS MacDougall was testifying “to the best of his knowledge”.
Again, the next paragraph is a total fabrication and lies. I did not say I had no proof and then spent time compiling evidence. This is to make me seem crazy again. In fact what I said is that we were just going to move house to avoid this dangerous man but we reported him because of the violent attacks on our children after I told him to stay away from our family.
The next paragraph continues this theme. Towards the end of the interview I drew a diagram to support a point I made at Lamont’s request. The next two paragraphs are also included solely to make me appear crazy. I did not say these things to PCs Lamont and Saunders. No doubt the reason that I did not receive a copy of my statement to sign is because certain officers intended to bury or, if necessary, alter my statement in order to portray me as crazy – as they have indeed done. This seems to be Police Scotland’s tactic when you report a paedophile, especially when he has a titled friend. There was nothing official in the way this was handled.
Selective use and presentation of the facts demonstrates the agenda of Inspector Goldie and his colleagues at Police Scotland. The very fact this is inspected by local colleagues and not a separate department, as in other countries, makes a mockery of the role of professional standards. 
The next paragraph “Later that same day Alan Low attended Fraserburgh Police Office”
Is it normal for the accused to give their statement before an accusation is made against them? And why did Sgt Buchan lie to me and my wife and tell us that he had spoken to Alan Low in his house the morning following my complaint if Sgt Buchan actually spoke to him in Fraserburgh Police Station on the Friday night?  If one goes to the Police before an accusation has been made against you then you know what that accusation is and why would Low rush in to defend himself before I accused him – how could he know what the accusation was and why would he get into such a panic about it unless he was guilty?  An innocent person would not deny they had done something until they were accused. Furthermore, why would Buchan imply I would be seeing him in Peterhead and then see Low in Fraserburgh? Buchan has revealed his involvement in this by seeing Alan Low before the accused was accused.
Apparently, Alan Low was advised by another resident of Crimonmogate estate! Could this be his BFF the Viscount – obviously! Again this report is at pains to avoid mentioning the name of senior freemason Viscount Petersham who threatened us with social services. The Viscount, my wife and I
had seen earlier that day to warn him about Alan Low in order to protect his children from this threat.
The whole report is awash with errors, inaccuracies and down-right lies.
I seriously doubt Constable Lamont has seen this report as she is clearly the fall guy for her senior officer’s corruption - more than ‘The Persuader’ Buchan and ‘The Nominated Perjurer’ MacDougall. She will not, of course, be a member of the lodge with the Viscount and Senior Police Scotland Officers.
There is substantial evidence that Buchan and his superiors were in frequent contact with Viscount Petersham.
Buchan did not investigate the intimidation my family was experiencing by men late at night. Nor did he investigate the catalyst for my wife and I reporting this man to the police – the occasion when our children could have been badly injured or even killed by a booby trapped greenhouse.
The reason this report is at pains to clear Alan Low is very transparent. Alan Low is the link to Viscount Petersham, the titled man who threatened me and my wife with social services onto our family should we report the paedophile his best friend Alan Low. The clear reason why senior Police Scotland instructed officers to attack my family – both at home and abroad.
There is no other reason why the senior officers who fabricated this tripe would lie so vigorously to protect the seven fingered yob builder who lived with two teenage boys. Turning Alan Low, the extremely tight fisted (even by Aberdonian standards), tax avoiding, drink driving yob and homosexual into a fund raiser and charity benefactor and all round good egg who cared for a disabled child in a once stable relationship. Even Saatchi and Saatchi could not sell that shite.
It was only after I mocked Low’s meanness that Police Scotland’s laughable account of Low changed from him supposedly offering me a charitable donation of £25,000  for a fictitious autism cure, to his offering to help fundraise the money. There is no known cure for autism. That is why it is a pandemic. Apparently there is a cure in America?! Tell that to the huge numbers of American parents whose children have autism – they would be desperate to know this.
Low went hurtling up to the Viscount’s estate shortly after I spoke with the Viscount and told him I was still going to the police. This was the best they could come up with. A charitable donation! What do they call that? The Jimmy Saville excuse?  Well an expert psychiatrist did describe this Viscount as a sociopath who had a background of a cold mother and learning difficulties! 
This second last paragraph in Ladybird English reads like it was written by ‘The Persuader’ Sgt Buchan. It is at pains to defend Low and therefore, of course, the Viscount. The bias in this paragraph alone tells you everything you need to know about these officers in Police Scotland.  This paragraph states that there is no evidence to support that Alan Low offered money for an unlawful purpose. 
Hang on a moment. Evidence only comes through investigating and Goldie has already conceded there was a neglect of duty in terms of duty to investigate so how can this section of the report then end with “No other evidence has been uncovered” Fabulous. So no enquiry was conducted; therefore no evidence was uncovered; therefore my complaint cannot be upheld. Bravo Police Scotland! We have not looked for evidence just to make certain that we find no evidence and because we have not found any evidence there is no evidence to uphold your complaint. Is this stupidity or is it genius? 
Of course this lack of evidence includes Alan Low admitting to offering me the money for my son. I would imagine most people would consider that evidence. 
The fact that Buchan did not even give me an incident number or respond to my pleas for protection for my family when sometimes two and sometimes three men were outside the cottage late at night when we had children inside, we had received countless threats and vandalisms, illegal entry into the cottage and attacks on the children - and Goldie has the gall to say there was no evidence. Cynical friends have advised that it is the direct involvement of a Viscount that is the key reason why PIRC have been attempting the kill this investigation. I wonder if they are right? It could explain why Police Scotland has acted so wickedly and why the SPA and HMIC have had brown trousers over this one.
Lamont and Buchan said there would be patrols to look over my family – this never happened. I have emails to Aberdeen police service centre – what a joke – asking for help due to intimidation, violence and vandalism repeatedly reported and not investigated. I am old fashioned but when I report crime I expect it investigated and acted upon. This did not happen numerous times and Goldie et al know this but clearly have faith in PIRC’s ability to fudge an investigation.
Words fail me to describe the kind of cowardly scum I am writing about here, and of course Alan Low and the Viscount with friends in low places. Perhaps the Viscount had a strong bond with the janitor at prep school and has had a taste for handyman types ever since. I wonder what could possibly bond these two ‘men’? I suspect it is not a dialectical discussion of Nietzsche and the triumph of the will.
PIRC’s attempt to dignify this dog’s excrement of a report is shameful.

The attempt to cover up allegation 3: The Concern Report
Again this written camel’s dung states that there is an unknown date and location.
This is surreal. Do they know they exist in a place and time? Surely there is a computer record of this concern report. Do the police think here they operate in a parallel universe – what is Goldie writing about?
Goldie then states this as an Irregularity in Procedure. Bravo - what a brave fearless leader! Stop the press. What tosh. Irregularity in procedure is when Police Scotland is transparent and accountable - and this is far from evident in this ‘report’.
Goldie is describing a shocking and loaded report which was the catalyst for social services attacking my family as an ‘Irregularity in Procedure’. This report was the first and crucial step to attack my family by social services (for reporting a paedophile) as the Viscount had only recently threatened. 
Even an extremely thick Detective Sergeant, let’s call him MacDougall, could have joined these dots – and this would include his friend Inspector Goldie.
In this backward rural part of Scotland the police are ever so quick to doff their caps to the local laird and their lodge temple structure.
The report, as per Goldie’s cover up, then goes on to allow PC Lamont to take the rap by stating that she had written this report. This is inconsistent with the facts. When I spoke with PC Lamont she had absolutely no knowledge of the report as I described it to her. The report I described was outlined in detail by corrupt social work manager David O’Neill by email.  It was clear that this concern report identified that our children were at risk due to being ‘isolated’, lack of education and so on. All guff. When I repeated to PC Lamont what was in this report as reported to me by O’Neill she was astounded. She asked if she could call me back in five minutes to re-read the report. Forty minutes later she phoned me backed, spooked, and asked if she could see me with her union rep Sgt Claire Smith to sort things out. PC Lamont had no knowledge of this report. 
I very much think she did write a report. But not this report. This report she panicked about. PC Lamont had been off on annual leave for a few weeks. She did write a report which was then altered and submitted on her behalf. Prizes for guessing which officer did this?
Goldie et al know this only too well. The question is does PIRC?
This part of the report has much less in content as Goldie is struggling to defend this report. He decides the best defence is to say that that this report “clearly identified the risk to your children as stated by you”.
The Concern Report attacked me and my wife. It identified the following tripe:
The Police were concerned we were fixated on a paedophile network
Our daughter Alexandra was missing from education
None of our children were in full time education
Our children appeared isolated
That’s funny as I did not identify my children being at risk from my wife and I. The twisted game was to instruct Lamont to write the report, then alter it and tell us it was what we had said. My child did, of course, have home schooling permission and therefore was not missing from education.
This was all contemptibly inaccurate and it was Sgt Buchan who was extremely intrested in our children - whom he had not met - after he failed in his mission to persuade us against pursuing Alan Low any further.
He did not account for the corrupt Social work manager David O’Neill telling me the contents of the report by email to cover himself.
The above concern report was the Viscount’s threat coming to fruition. It was contrived, inaccurate and illegal. Its existence means that Buchan and his superiors were collaborating and colluding with the Viscount and his paedophile pal by covering up for Alan Low and beginning the attack on my family.
The viciousness of this response and the time, resources and energy dedicated to destroying my family in a general, if revealing, way shows just how important it is to crucify my family to conceal the paedophilia of Alan Low and his close associates who met at the Viscount’s house on the night I made my statement to the Police in Peterhead.
I clearly identified the risk to my children coming from the neighbour and sexual predator Alan Low and the subsequent campaign against my children due to the actions of Alan Low and his close friends who entered our house, the house the Viscount owned, and rigged the children’s bunkbeds to collapse, the greenhouse door and glass panes to fall, vandalised the cars and made loud banging noises at night etc. 
Again the Police here don’t want to admit wrong doing as it will implicate the Viscount and his non pedigree chum friends. There are so many senior police officers implicated in this it is incredible. If anything tells you what senior Police Scotland officers really think is going on is the fact that they are continually at pains to not investigate and cover this up.
Inspector Brown of Fraserburgh, Inspector Cordiner of Peterhead and Chief Superintendent McLaren to name only a few. I can see Goldie et al meeting with Buchan over a cup of tea and a viscount biscuit and discussing how they are going to diffuse this.

Goldie: You buggered this up – you’ve made it too obvious – I’ve been landed with sorting out your mess – you’re going to sort this out.
Buchan: sorry sir what do you want me to do
Goldie: we are going to have to throw him something – minor wrongdoings by officers – but at the same time we need to still suggest he’s mental
Buchan: great idea sir – I’ll think of things you can put on paper that will be enough to show he is a fruitcake…
Goldie: you better or it will be no fruitcake and donuts for you for a long time. You and the other two numpties are going to have to take a minor reprimand ‘neglect of duty’ stuff but don’t worry it amounts to nothing – and maybe it will keep him off our backs.
Buchan: okay Kevin, sorry, will do. I’ll think of things that will really show he’s away with the fairies. Take stuff out of context, exaggerate, leave stuff oot. Aye it’ll be good.
Goldie: get it done asap if this goes south we are all in the shit. Don’t mention fairies – we changed our policy on that now. Remember sort oot this F I A S C O. The brothers are not happy.

There is simple cause and effect that my first year history students could grasp. Why did Hitler come to power was it his unusual ‘tash or his skills in oratory, propaganda and politics.
What were the objectives of the concern report? Was it to protect the children of the Docherty family as requested by Mr and Mr Docherty? Or was it to subject the Docherty children to an assessment by social services resulting in them being removed by social services as threatened by a Viscount?
Why was this concern report written? Was it to protect the Docherty children or was it to destroy the Docherty family as Mr Docherty had the gall to report a paedophile against the expressed threat and wishes of a Viscount whose best friend offered money for his disabled son?
Mockery aside, it saddens me to see senior Police Officers involved in such heinous and serious corruption. They are actively involved in trying to give children a life sentence of sadness and loneliness, not to mention abuse, in the care system because their parents tried to protect them from wicked ‘men’.
The fact that PIRC is defending this just explains why there has been a freefall in standards. Corrupt officers must be laughing at the possibility of being reprimanded by PIRC – as this certainly will not happen through their buddies in Professional Standards.
Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty.
Cc: The Home Secretary Theresa May
Ms Kate Frame
Police Investigation and Review Commissioner    
Hamilton House
Hamilton Business Park

23rd May 2015.
Sent by email to: From:

Dear Police Commissioner Frame,
Re: Extremely Serious Police Scotland Officers’ Corruption 
I refer to the letter sent by Peter Innes dated May 11th as instructed by you.
PIRC’s attempt to bat away a very serious complaint about police corruption reveals an extremely transparent desire to cover this up. 
Not only have you effectively said you are refusing to investigate this but you are imposing a deadline – 14 days – for me to resubmit my complaint as you did not like it the first way I submitted this. Upon what are you basing this ludicrous deadline? To say that it has to be re-submitted to suit you or case closed just demonstrates your desperate desire to cover this up.
Not only have you refused to investigate this so far, despite my detailed correspondence about a
very serious matter, but you insist that I explain where the problems lie in order for you to investigate. Are you trying to say you cannot see where the problems lie? Do I really need to explain why I am ‘dissatisfied’ with Police Scotland’s cover up of paedophilia and subsequent attack on my family after I reported a paedophile who offered me money in exchange for my son. In the words of John McEnroe “You cannot be serious!”  Are you really claiming that you need me explain why I am ‘dissatisfied’ before you can investigate this matter. Aye right.
What you cannot claim is that if you do not receive “a list of [my] complaints” this will be case closed. Case not investigated, perhaps – although this goes against your own mission statement – to investigate and review cases independently. Independently of whom? Police Scotland, the Scottish government? – Because most of your senior staff are either political appointees, like yourself, or former cops.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons why police corruption is flourishing. It must be a source of extreme frustration for professional officers.
Your Mr Innes’s comments in his letter are very early in presenting an excuse as to why PIRC will not investigate this matter:
“Please note that our statutory role in relation to complaints about the police is to review the manner in which such complaints have been dealt with, rather than to investigate them. The body responsible for investigating complaints about the police is Police Scotland.”

Your Mr Innes’s stated reasons for not investigating this serious and heinous matter is not consistent with the facts. Even from your own website his statement is woefully contradicted:
“The role of the PIRC is to undertake independent investigations into the most serious incidents involving the police and to provide independent scrutiny of the way police bodies operating in Scotland”
“the remit of the Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland (PCCS) expanded to include investigations into the most serious incidents involving the police. To mark this change, the PCCS was renamed the Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC).”
I do not know if Mr Innes is a former Police officer, like so many of his ‘review’ colleagues at PIRC. One can see why an impartial observer could be forgiven for thinking there is a lack of independence. Independence seems to be a key buzzword in public institutions since 2007 – even if it is not a key principal.
Despite your strap line at the bottom of your letter ‘Independent and effective investigations and reviews’, in your Mr Innes’s letter he claims that PIRC themselves do not investigate and only review police investigations. Should you stick to reviewing but not investigating then I suggest you change your name to Police Review of Investigations Committee - PRIC.
In effect what Mr Innes has stated on your instructions is: we are not going to investigate this - go away. No wonder the world’s media is laughing at justice in Scotland. Business lunches, committee meetings, a large office, good coffee with a Viscount biscuit and a healthy renumeration rather than enforcing decency and justice and the rule of law. Easy money if you can get it.
I note that you were given the role of PIRC commissioner by former disgraced and recently sacked justice secretary Kenny MacCaskill. The shamed Justice Secretary who de-facto made Stephen House the Justice Secretary and Police Scotland a monolithic beast.
“Kate Frame was appointed by Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill as the Police Investigations & Review Commissioner for Scotland in June 2014 and took up post on 16 August 2014.”
This is the same man who gave the most diabolically nauseous speech upon releasing the Lockerbie Bomber and Libyan Intelligence operative, Al Meghari, on compassionate grounds. The speech was not compassionate as record numbers of people in the UK and US had psychosomatic vomiting and involuntary diahorrea upon hearing it. It is very likely that the imbecile who put my family in danger by passing my documents and statements of corruption to a feral Police Scotland from the Scottish Government was also Mr MacCaskill. MacCaskill - who made Police Scotland the most powerful police force second only to the Met; the new people’s army that targets the people; showed considerable more compassion to a convicted Libyan terrorist than to my Scottish family – innocent victims of corruption.                        
I see other political appointees work at PIRC, not just yourself.    
I note from your website that you joined PIRC as commissioner from the Crown Office.
“She [Kate Frame] joined the organisation from the Crown Office, where she was head of the Criminal Allegations against the Police Division.”
This spin makes your previous role appear as a positive; it makes you sound like a ‘tough’ commissioner.  
As you are aware your friends and former colleagues in the Crown Office have chosen not to prosecute my complaints of police, social workers and a health visitor’s criminal actions. They require minimal investigation and the last one is a slam dunk - to use the parlance of our times.
The Guardian newspaper reported in its article of very serious Police Scotland Corruption and commented very mockingly of the approach by the so called prosecutors and regulators during the time you headed up the Crown Office Criminal Allegations Against the Police Division:
“In the last five years or so, we have learned that several hundred police officers actually have serious criminal records or been accused of serious criminal offences. Among the allegations are rape, sex attacks, violence, wife beating, theft, fire attacks, abduction, stalking, football disorder, racism and data breaches.”
Sadly this information is not shocking in the current climate – but it is made much, much worse by the following revelation in the Guardian:
“Meanwhile, despite almost 150 police officers being reported to prosecutors for alleged corruption, only six have been convicted. The alleged corruption included serious assault, bribery, blackmail and gangland activity. Unlawful access to secret files and lying in statements [an old police favourite] were the least of it.”
This makes a percentage of reports to convictions of 4% when you were at the Crown Office! Some have joked this is a success rate of 96%!
Police Scotland have so far denied me access to their files about my family and have modified reports and statements and lied in a court of law.
Your Mr Innes refers in his letter that I had submitted several papers which “describe your [my] numerous concerns in some detail”
He uses the words “your concerns” again in that paragraph. I have concerns about finishing my yoghurt before its sell by date, and concerns about the state of Scottish football. But my letter deals with matters which are clearly serious complaints about the police corruption – slightly more than a ‘concern’. Of course I am aware that Police Scotland prefers this word ‘concern’ as it was their ‘concern’ report to social services which was the catalyst which enabled social services to pursue my family because we reported a paedophile. 
I think a freedom of information request about the actual number of complaints about police officers and any actions they have taken against the complainant as a result of this would be very revealing. Indeed in the past three years, for example, I wonder how many people have died in police stations.
I have complied with Mr Innes’s wishes as per your instructions to deliberately stifle this investigation commencing or the review of the Police Scotland non-investigation commencing.
I await your next attempt to stop an investigation or even a review of their ‘investigation’ into this very serious matter of Police Corruption.  It is your public obligation to investigate where it is in the public interest and where there is a complaint- as in your stated objectives. With 50 employees surely it cannot be all mid-morning donuts and dress down Fridays which occupies your organisation’s time. 
Otherwise I am going to hold you to your organisation purpose and existence which is, theoretically, to investigate police corruption. How you can review an investigation without investigating what they did is illogical. Especially when you consider that it has already been conceded by the police that they did not undertake an investigation.
What makes your response so shameful is that all the attacks on my family happened, as the judge said, after we reported a paedophile in Scotland. Moreover, your organisation will well be aware of the allegations of police officers in the Grampian region of Scotland involved in paedophile rings against disabled children all covered up by the police.
This includes an allegation of the involvement of former Chief Constable Colin McKerracher covering up the Hollie Greig scandal. McKerracher who sat on the North East Scotland Child Protection Committee – the same committee which health visitor Phyllis Smart sits on – the health visitor who wrote the libellous, criminal report against my family which your colleagues in the Crown Office will not investigate.
Your role is to hold police officers to account and yet your response to my very serious complaint is to brush this away!
Predictably, I suspect, you will continue to refuse to investigate this serious matter. Keep up the ‘good’ work.
Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty.
Cc The Home Secretary Theresa May; 

Ms Nicola Sturgeon MSP
The First Minister 
The Scottish Parliament
7th February 2015.

Dear Ms Sturgeon,
Re: The Docherty Family, victims of police and social work corruption after reporting a paedophile. Reference Number: 2015/0004422
You received a dossier of information in November 2014 regarding a paedophile and his powerful benefactor in Aberdeenshire and, importantly, the collusion and support of local police and social service officers. After this neighbour offered me cash for access to my disabled son Sebastian, his titled friend, Viscount Petersham, threatened us with social services if we reported this matter to the police. We reported this paedophile, Alan Low, to the police. Two weeks later, after no real investigation, the police sent a shockingly inaccurate concern report to social services attacking my children whom they had never seen.
The Viscount’s threat was becoming a reality. 
The Concern Report’s author, PC Lamont, was - upon my query as to why she had written such inaccuracies – was unaware of the contents of ‘her’ report and wanted to meet me with her union representative to sort things out. I was advised against meeting with her.
My family were then targeted very aggressively by social services in Aberdeenshire whilst at the same time being threatened, intimidated and our property attacked.
I am deeply saddened and disappointed to discover that these documents sent to you requesting support and protection from criminal activity threatening my family was given by the Scottish Government to the very agency who was perpetrating the attack on my family. The Scottish Police. It was revealed in court on Monday 2nd February by a Scottish Police Officer that the information I sent to Downing Street was sent on to the Scottish Government who then passed this highly sensitive information on to Police Scotland officers in Aberdeenshire – the very people who I complained about in the first instance, making clear we needed help to resolve this matter. 
In other words, despite being the victims, and with a young family who have been victims in this despicable affair, the information sent to you ended up in the very hands of the promoted police officers who were part of this criminal activity trying to destroy my family.
Perhaps this officer felt perfectly safe to reveal these details given that we have had no help from the Scottish Government, not even a response to one of the four detailed emails I have sent you and the Justice Minister’s office.
Surely senior politicians could have anticipated the reaction from Police Scotland given that the Police are widely acknowledged in Scottish society as an organisation not noted for being transparent or accountable (as perfectly demonstrated by the email from HMIC) - quite the contrary! - and their senior officers are very often members of a secretive organisation – the kind of which Viscount Petersham would exercise an unhealthy influence. 
Not only did the Scottish Police not investigate this matter, but they used this information to attack my family. Even the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary have informed me by email that they will not investigate this matter and have tried to pass the buck to another body. The National Crime Agency even denied receiving my documents. Police in Aberdeenshire have form in arresting those who protest against paedophilia and employ officers who have even been accused of child sex abuse. 
Surely you can see that not only have you washed your hands of us – Scots forced out of their country by a paedophile, a Viscount and a few corrupt officers in police and social services – but your government has also placed my family in great danger. The kind of danger which resulted in my children being placed into ‘care’ in Ireland; the kind of danger that has a Scottish Detective Sergeant lie repeatedly under oath, question me and my wife’s mental health – apparently reporting a paedophile makes us delusional in this detectives assessment (can a Detective Sergeant really be this naïve – has he just been transferred from Noddy’s Toy Town – is he incapable of reading newspapers – or is he motivated by a promise of promotion and a substantial increase in his bank account?) and campaigned viciously for our children being removed from our care permanently – all for reporting a crime. Sadly, it has been well documented in the last year alone, in Rotherham, how corrupt some Police Officers are on this issue. The Police as a body may not be transparent but this officer’s lack of integrity certainly is.
The goal here is to discredit and silence. The goal here is for the powerful to control the weak. The goal is for networks to use their influence to flaunt the law. 
The agenda could not be clearer than when Police Scotland in Aberdeenshire and Social Services in Aberdeenshire sent a Police Officer and Social Worker over to our Family Hearing in Ireland to put the boot in for reporting crime. We were a family who had never been in contact with social services until we reported this paedophile. No-one from Aberdeenshire Police or Social Services has ever seen our children and yet both bodies felt the need to send someone over to Ireland in an attempt to ensure our children were put into care.
Is it normal to send over a police officer and social worker at taxpayer’s expense to attack a happy, healthy, stable family with the sole purpose being to destroy our family unit? I very much hope not!
You have recently said, First Minister, that you want to be the First Minister of all Scots. My innocent family are Scots who had to leave our country and possessions behind, were threatened by a Viscount who has used police and social services to protect his close friend and paedophile Alan Low and conceal crimes. We have not only been threatened but our house in Scotland was broken into, furniture tampered with to harm the children; the greenhouse rigged for the glass to fall on the children (which it did) and dead animals placed outside our door, death threats made late at night and our vehicles vandalised (all reported to officers but none of which was investigated by Police Scotland)
If you want to be the First Minister of all Scots, if you believe in equality and justice for all, not just for the rich and powerful, the titled and influential; then you will investigate and protect our family before even greater damage and injustice is done.
When the Police received this information they lost no time in putting together a hunting party (or multi-disciplinary task force is the euphemism). A representative, chosen from each of the three agencies targeting my family, were at this special strategy meeting, planning the destruction of my innocent family. The timing is clearly not a coincidence, i.e. after the receipt of information and statements written by me and passed to them by the Scottish Government.
I would like to question whether it is normal for the government, given the severity and the risk involved, to hand over a dossier detailing police corruption to the police?
This multi- disciplinary group then liaised with Irish Police and Social Services to seize my innocent children and placed them into ‘care’ with armed response officers attending our house because of the danger my family presented with our small children and two guinea pigs. The only danger we presented was from telling the truth. 
My family became victims again. My children suffered terribly being taken away from their parents. We came to you for help – instead my family was punished for reporting crime again –this time with the help of the Scottish government. 
It is unsurprising that the letters I sent detailing the crime and corruption were the only things not passed onto the social workers in Ireland who had a very aggressive and prejudiced approach to this matter based entirely on the false information given to them from Aberdeenshire. This information contained factual inaccuracies, omissions and downright lies all designed by this hunting party who stood to benefit from concealing these crimes – furnished as they were with the information you sent to them.
I feel very saddened by your government’s actions. Is it any wonder that child abuse investigated is almost always ‘historic’? Scotland is one of the last country’s to announce an historic sex abuse enquiry. Why did the Scottish government not support us in our time of great need and desperation?
What is it about the issue of paedophilia that had a conservative whistleblower’s dossier destroyed in the eighties; an SNP stalwart who reported on this issue allegedly short himself ‘twice’ in the head in the mid eighties and a Labour MP who reported on this issue only last year stated that he was threatened and his car wheels almost came off in November 2014. This is a house of cards that must come down.
Or perhaps I should just send this email to the Viscount and the police myself and cut out the middle man?
I cannot believe your government has done this to my family. This is, quite frankly, bloody appalling and a national disgrace. 
Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty.
Cc: The Justice Secretary Michael Matheson MSP; Elizabeth Smith MSP.
Bcc: Graeme Pearson MSP Former Director of SDEA
Formerly of : East Lodge, Crimonmogate, Lonmay, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 8SE.
Sent my email to:;
19th May 2015

Dear Ms Aitken,
Re: the Persecution of the Docherty family by Police and Council employees for reporting a paedophile.
It is quite incredible that you can send me two and a half pages of text and yet say nothing.
Anyone would think you had a career in politics – at least that is how this response reads not that of the ‘independent’ civil service. Pun intended. Your letter dignifies the above attack and is shameful. I have a few comments to make about your letter. The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has not responded to any one of my dozen or so emails. The Justice Secretary Matheson has not replied to me either. Yet senior politician’s in Ireland and the UK have taken the time to write. Why do you think this is?
It is probably the right strategy as what has happened to my family condoned by the Scottish Government is nothing short of a national disgrace. I fail to see why I am contacted by a ‘policy officer’. That is highly inappropriate.
Your excuse for passing my dossier of Police and Social Work corruption to the police is infantile: That you did not have my address. I have heard better excuses from second pupils as to why they had not done their homework: my dog ate it; my gran who has dementia burned it; rock n’ roll loving aliens took it etc.
Yet Police Scotland had my email addresses; Aberdeenshire Council – my then employer – had my email addresses; social work Aberdeenshire also had my email addresses. Are you really writing this as a credible excuse for the Scottish Government passing highly sensitive information to the notorious Police Scotland?
Perhaps I was advised very strongly not to report this matter to the Scottish Government – as there is another case of a disabled child living in Aberdeenshire who was sexually abused – when her mother reported this – they sectioned and her and put her children into care – just as they wanted with my family. Justice?
I note that you refer frequently to the Procurator Fiscal Service speaking on their behalf too. There was me thinking that the judiciary was independent from the executive – I am an idealist! You mention the question of the Solicitor General. There was no question but a clear complaint as she will not investigate Phyllis Smart’s Criminal report. Phyllis Smart the champion of GIRFEC and Named Persons wrote a totally false report after my wife and I reported a paedophile. This was the basis of our children being taken from us. Who does the Scottish Government refer my complaint of the SG to? Wait for it…..The Procurator Fiscal Service! 

You are at pains to point out the noble ‘independence’ of the Scottish Government from Police Scotland – the new people’s army created by the Scottish Government – who have since attacked the people quite a lot. 
This either says that the Scottish Government cannot hold Police Scotland to account which explains why Police Scotland are out of control – yet they were taken in front of the Justice sub-committee lately. Why can the Scottish Government intervene here but not in our clear case of corruption?
Individual cases? Do the words Abdel Basset ali al-Megrahi ring a bell. The individual case of the Lockerbie – convicted - bomber released on “compassion grounds”. Where is the compassion for the innocent Scottish Docherty family victims of huge corruption? 
You note a number of times about the “proper channels”. I am exercising the proper channels – the proper channels meet me with a wall of silence or shameful whitewash. Why?
I will read your last full page about the virtues of the Children and Young People Act when I next have insomnia.
Your polite showboating of the rebuttal of the Named Persons appeal only pulls down the mask of civility. Our experience of Health Visitor Phyllis Smart’s report only demonstrates what a terrible policy this is for the children of Scotland. The fact that that report was instructed in the orders of a Director of Education after I wrote to her reminding her in her role of covering up my daughters sexual abuse on a school grounds while she was deputy director only makes the whole matter so disgusting and corrupt it is beyond outrageous.
The basic duty of any government is to protect its citizens and provide justice when this goes wrong. Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty.
                                                  7TH March 2015
Stephen House Chief Constable Police Scotland
PO Box 21184
FK10 9DE

Dear Chief Constable,
Re: The illegal persecution, bullying, harassment, intimidation, victimisation, defamation, and discrimination of the Docherty family after we reported a paedophile to Police Scotland.
Sometimes questions are more important than answers. There are many questions my wife and I have about your officer’s treatment of our family. Given our experience of extreme police corruption and abuse of power is it unlikely that you will feel the need to answer and be accountable for one question let alone all of them, however because we value truth and justice and take the safety of our children very seriously I am presenting a detailed, albeit abbreviated, list of questions for you as head of Police Scotland.
Given that you have received the dossier I sent to the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary, including reports of corruption about your officers, perhaps you can clarify the following matters:
Did you authorise your senior/junior officers to attack my family for reporting a paedophile
Were you aware that Police Scotland sent an officer to testify against ME (my mental health
Did you give senior officers permission to liaise with Irish authorities against my family with falsified accounts and records
Do you condone the behaviour of your officers after we reported a paedophile, they targeted our family in both family court hearings.
Have you sanctioned the monitoring/surveillance my family.
Additionally, perhaps you can answer some of the following questions regarding the treatment of my family by your corrupt promoted senior and promoted junior officers at Police Scotland. Yours sincerely,

Mr. Brian Docherty.

Why after reporting a paedophile to the Police for attempting to buy our disabled son, did your officers not investigate this serious matter?
Why was the ‘investigating’ officer Sergeant Buchan so desperate to dissuade me from pursuing this matter further? Is this the normal response to reporting paedophilia?
Why when I first contacted the police Sgt Buchan told me over the phone he had “just the officers for the job” and then arrange for me to meet with two inexperienced officers?
Is it normal procedure for Police Scotland to cover up paedophilia? Given that the perpetrator did not deny to the police offering me £25,000 how can they justify not investigating this? Is it normal procedure for Police Scotland officers to ignore reports to them acts of threats and vandalism and violence towards children?
Why was I sent by a Sgt [Buchan] based in Fraserburgh to Peterhead police station and not nearby Fraserburgh?
Why was I not given my statement to sign, but merely a piece of paper to verify I was at the station?
Why was PC Lamont summoned to another room for ten minutes while I was giving my statement?
Why did Sgt Buchan not return my emails or phone calls afterwards despite more illegal activity?
Why did Sgt Buchan not even walk 20 yards to the rear of the house to look at the booby trapped greenhouse whose glass panels fell on my four year old daughter Charlotte.
Why did “The Persuader” Sgt Buchan say after 24 hours and no investigation “How can I convince you there is nothing to worry about here?”
Why did “The Persuader” Sgt Buchan actually say “Apart from the offer of £25,000 [for your son] what makes you think he [Alan Low] is a paedophile?” 
Why did “The Persuader” Sgt Buchan say “I am not going to be able to convince am I?” (to not pursue this complaint) and why do you think he then focused his attention thereafter asking questions about my children? 
Why after the Viscount’s threat about social services - should we report his friend Alan Low to the police - did Sgt Buchan submit a concern report? Why do you think Sgt Buchan then disappeared despite our pleas for help only to write this libellous report (which we have not yet seen) about our lovely children whom he had not seen?
Why did you think that Sgt Buchan and other senior officers were in frequent contact with the Viscount when I only reported his friend Alan Low to the police?
Can you comment as to why Alan Low’s van went hurtling to the Viscount’s house within an hour of my speaking to Sgt Buchan?
Significantly, given that I had only discussed this matter with Sgt Buchan, can you explain why there was such a flurry of activity of people driving up to the Viscount’s house, commencing at precisely the time when I went to Peterhead Police station and for the duration of my statement?
Why did Sgt Buchan not feedback on the car registrations my wife supplied which were driving past our house at night without lights on while I was at the police station? 

Why did your officers, Sgt Buchan et al, report to this titled individual, the contents of my statement to Police Scotland Officers on the 8th August 2014.
Why did PC Lamont, who allegedly wrote the Concern Report to Social Services, not know the contents of her own report?
Why do you think Police Scotland not give me access to this litigious concern report against all freedom of information and data protection laws?
Why do you think after being informed of the approximate contents of ‘her’ own report which had been outlined to me by social services would this same officer PC Lamont want to speak with me in person with her union representative Sgt Claire Smith to sort things out?

How did Police Scotland know that we had left Scotland and were in Ireland? Given that they contacted Interpol your officers must have known we were abroad. How did they know this? Friends reported a delay in receiving my emails after I sent them – does Police Scotland have involvement in this and if so what is their justification for breaking privacy laws?
Who authorised the referral to Interpol to trace my family as “missing” on behalf of Police Scotland when we had booked only one week’s holiday and left our furniture at home and importantly when I was still in email contact with Police Scotland officers?
What was the justification or excuse given, if any, to refer my family to Interpol after being one week abroad in a holiday home in Ireland? Was the timing of this referral to Interpol due to my referring to this a certain titled individual in my email to Inspector Cordiner, to which he did not respond, and a few days later we were traced by Interpol?
Given that my family were in a holiday home for one week in Ireland, during which time I was in contact with police officers, on what basis did your officers mark us as missing and on whose behalf were they acting?
Is this not very odd given that we had not only not committed a crime, and we had been informed by the police that we had not been accused of committing a crime, but it was we who had reported criminal behaviour to the police just a few weeks previously in order to protect our children? Would the referral to Interpol have anything to do with Police Scotland wanting our address?
Of the children who have genuinely gone missing could you perhaps inform me how many were reported to Interpol? Perhaps your data controllers have lost this information too.
Do you agree this is a waste of Police resources for Interpol and the Garda in times of austerity?
Do you agree that Interpol (whom I have written to) and the Irish Garda have been misinformed by Police Scotland with an extremely loaded agenda? 
We discovered from the Irish Garda that we were reported missing (despite remaining in email contact) as an extreme case. According to my research an extreme case has to involve the threat of sex abuse. It transpired that this threat came from my father. What risk does my dead father, who was never accused by Police Scotland, let alone charged of sexual abuse, pose to my children.
Perhaps you could explain how this only entered my children’s notes after I reported a paedophile? Perhaps to give the necessary excuse to refer my family to Interpol?
Will you concede that you are your officers were fully aware that my children’s notes were doctored and falsified after my wife and I reported a paedophile?
Why did Police Scotland send an email to all Irish Police Stations asking for information on the whereabouts of our family when we had not committed any crime?
Why, after receiving this information, did Police Scotland then co-ordinate three meetings with the Irish Garda and Social Services with the explicit purpose of destroying our family, as revealed in court by “The Complicit Weasel” Brian Murphy, because we reported a paedophile.
Why did Irish Officers, acting on information received from Police Scotland, regard our family as potentially dangerous, given that I am a teacher of 14 years and have undergone 9 police checks, my wife is a full time mother and we have four lovely children, 3 of whom are under five, including one disabled boy and one baby? Perhaps it was the ferocious guinea pigs that scared them?
*Irish Officers revealed they performed their risk assessment based on information received from Police Scotland, this meant our home was entered by 4 police officers (two of them armed) and two social workers who forcibly removed our children.  I understand Police Scotland likes using armed officers unnecessarily. Perhaps officers get a kick living out the role of their favourite TV action cop? *Why have my wife and I been denied access to the lies given by Police Scotland to Social Services and Police in Ireland? Despite so many of Police Scotland’s actions against my family being transparent it is not a principle they apparently hold very dearly.
Why would at least one Irish Garda officer – “The complicit weasel” Sgt Brian Murphy - be watching my house late at night when off duty and on whose behalf is he doing this?
Why would Irish Garda “The Complicit Weasel” Sgt Murphy refuse to listen to anything we had to say and why did he act as a defence solicitor in trying to counter everything I said about criminal activities in Scotland (much like his Scottish counterpart Sgt Buchan)
Why would Irish Garda Sergeant “The Complicit Weasel” Brian Murphy also commit perjury in court on the same day as “The Perjurer” DS MacDougall? Serendipity or synchronicity?

Why did senior Police Scotland officers authorise ‘Detective’ Sergeant MacDougall (a police officer we had not met) to fly out to Ireland and commit perjury at Castlebar District Court (02/02/2015) against me and my wife?
Would you accept that as an organisation which is top down in terms of commands and orders that “The Perjurer” DS MacDougall’s illegal testimony in court had the approval of Police Scotland’s very senior staff, particularly given that he travelled out-with the Scottish jurisdiction to give this perjury? It is important to note that at no point did we report Viscount Petersham to Police Scotland as a paedophile. Therefore, why did Police Scotland’s representative “The Nominated Perjurer” DS MacDougall speak at length about Viscount Petersham at an In Camera Court.
Why would “The Nominated Perjurer” DS MacDougall inform the court that he believed that my wife and I were delusional and mentally unsound for reporting a paedophile? Is this because you have to be delusional to expect Police Scotland to investigate paedophilia?
Why would “The Perjurer” MacDougall strive, on behalf of Police Scotland, to discredit me and my wife and have our children removed into the ‘care’ system? For whose benefit was this action?
Given that “The Nominated Perjurer” DS MacDougall is not qualified in psychiatry, why would the thrust of his ‘evidence’ be to discredit us by labelling us delusional for reporting paedophilia when our only ‘crime’ was to report a paedophile who was close friends with a powerful titled man? – a
man whom we had not suspected was involved until he significantly threatened me and my wife prior to reporting this paedophile friend of his to the police, that if we did report his seven fingered, non pedigree chum, Alan Low, he would get social services onto our family. Hmmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with police corruption of a damning scale?
Does “The Perjurer” DS MacDougall now admit that he committed perjury (as he did not contest this in his complaint about my complaint) and especially now that we have met with two psychiatrists who have reported us mentally healthy and of sound mind?
Do you appreciate that after I complained to the Crown Office of “The Perjurer” DS MacDougall’s lying in court, how farcical and corrupt it is, that Police Scotland complained by communicating to the Guardian at Litem’s solicitor at this second family hearing (how did they know who he was?) not that he had committed perjury (no, this was fine) but that I had complained to the Crown Office in Edinburgh of his perjury committed at an In Camera Hearing! (Therefore, according to Police
Scotland, I should not have complained of his perjury as to their way of thinking In Camera = In Secret = no repercussions)
Would you accept that this example illustrates Police Scotland’s attitude that perjury is acceptable and also highlights why they thought they could commit perjury and get away with it?
Is it normal procedure for Police Scotland to send officers abroad to testify against the mental health of members of the public who have reported crime?
Do you think it is acceptable for a Detective Sergeant to lie in court that we had “fled” numerous times to avoid the authorities when actually we had been the persons reporting crime to the Police and had actually gone away for a week to safely contact the British Government after the corruption and persecution we received from Police Scotland following our reporting a paedophile ?
Can you confirm unofficial rumours and reports that DS MacDougall has been promoted to Detective Inspector MacDougall? Or did he, like Irish Social worker “The Angry” Mary Malee, just get a brand new shiny (British registered) car?

TO INCRIMINATE BRIAN DOCHERTY OR INFLUENCE THE COURT AGAINST HIS FAMILY Would you accept also that communicating with the Guardian at Litem’s solicitor was highly inappropriate but also by issuing a complaint which was irrelevant to the proceedings was another illegal and vile and underhanded attempt by Police Scotland to influence the court against me personally and by extension the happiness of my children whose future was being discussed at this hearing?
Why would Police Scotland send a confidential letter I had written to the Home Secretary Theresa May in November 2014 (reporting in detail the crimes of this paedophile and allegations of a paedophile ring in the neighbourhood area) to the solicitor of Social Services in Castlebar, Ireland, to be used against me at our family hearing? 
Unfortunately for Police Scotland, two psychiatrists disagree with this loaded and shamefully agenda driven tripe. Perhaps this attack was partly because, although not mentioned in my covering letter to the Home Secretary sent on to these solicitors, I had included reports of criminality by Police Scotland officers and an Aberdeenshire council social work manager? 
Why was Police Scotland in frequent contact with both the Social Services solicitor and the Guardian at Litem solicitor prior to the hearing on 26 February, if not to attack me, discredit me and remove our children from our care – when our only crime was reporting a paedophile?
If this contact is not illegal [which I suspect it is] would you accept that it is agenda driven and inappropriate and not police procedure?
Do you accept that Police Scotland attempted to sway the Judge negatively against my family at a hearing which could have resulted in my children being placed in the care system – for reporting a
The young ambitious Solicitor for Social Services in Castlebar was very assertive in her comments on behalf of Police Scotland. She read passages, which she had highlighted in a lovely luminous colour, from my letter to the Home Secretary which I affirmed as accurate. She reiterated the complaint from Police Scotland – she seemed to have forgotten that she was acting on behalf of Social Services in Ireland. When the judge ruled in our favour she demanded four times to know the Docherty family’s travel plans in advance. One can safely assume that she was acting on behalf of Police Scotland again as she had done so many times previously in this same hearing. The question remains: why was she so desperate to get our travel plans after the judge ruled in our favour? Why would Police Scotland want to know the precise moment we arrive in Scotland? Does Police Scotland plan to arrest and detain my family once we come home, having failed to achieve what they set out to do after the judge ruled in our favour? Based on events so far this seems exceptionally likely!
The second family hearing (26th February) was much more Police Scotland v Brian Docherty that Social Services v The Docherty Family. Would you accept that this was done because the hearing was a secretive family law court hearing [secretive being Police Scotland’s modus operandi here] and Police Scotland believed they could attack me and by extension my family with impunity?
Why does Police Scotland regard me as posing such a great threat to them? (and indeed why did they regard Hollie Greig’s mother Ann as such a threat that she was, according to reports, forcibly sectioned after reporting her disabled daughters sexual abuse – in Aberdeenshire!)
Could it be because I am fully aware of their wicked illegal actions in covering up paedophilia?
Do you think it coincidental that Hollie Greig, a downs syndrome girl, was sexually abused in Aberdeenshire by serving police officers and that when her mother reported this she was forcibly sectioned and called “delusional”. Then when paedophiles tried to buy my mentally disabled autistic  five year old son Sebastian, while we living in Aberdeenshire,  police officers covered this up, then attacked my family by labelling me and my wife “delusional”. What are the odds?


My wife collapsed after our children were taken from us. Sgt Brian Murphy betrayed a knowledge of the bigger picture when my wife, crying and desolate, stated that this had all happened because we reported a paedophile and we would never have mentioned the Viscount if we had known this was going to happen.

To which Sgt Murphy responded very anxiously and in a panicked state:

“Ssshhhh – you’ll never get your children back if you keep saying that”

Sgt Brian Murphy “The Complicit Weasel” of Achill Police was spotted by me and my wife on two occasions driving up to our house late at night with his car registration bulbs removed. Was this action requested by Police Scotland? We heard numerous cars late at night between court hearings on a road which is a dead end with our house the only building on this very quiet remote country lane.
Are you aware that on the same day “The Nominated Perjurer” DS MacDougall testified against me in court (02/02/2015) we discovered, upon returning home, that our home had been entered illegally and our personal, private correspondence had been rifled through and our bed sheet urinated upon?
Would you accept the possibility that given all the illegal actions, harassment, defamation and vilification that my family and I have endured from Police Scotland as a result of us reporting a paedophile that the people watching and following my family (on five separate intimidating examples that we know of) in Ireland could possibly, in fact, be the work of Police Scotland officers? Particularly as one of the cars parked near our home for weeks over Christmas and New Year was registered in Edinburgh.
Police Scotland’s attempts through the social services’ solicitor to ascertain my travelling plans would give weight to this possibility and credibility to this assertion – do you agree? 
Having failed in Ireland to have me and my wife sectioned by labelling us as “delusional”, is Police Scotland planning on illegally arresting us when we return to Scotland?  
Why would promoted Officers for Police Scotland insist on having our address? This is consistent with monitoring my family?

Police Scotland officers did not investigate allegations of paedophilia; a police Scotland officer attempted to dissuade me from reporting this matter further; Police Scotland officers refused to put me in touch with CID officers; Police Scotland officers targeted my family as a result of us reporting paedophilia by falsely issuing a concern report to social services; Police Scotland Officers targeted my entire family by falsely marking us as missing and referring us to Interpol; Police Scotland officers put my family in grave danger by this referral – as a powerful network headed by a powerful man who was in contact with Police Scotland officers had the means and motive to destroy my family permanently; Police Scotland officers targeted our family in a series of co-ordinated multi-agency meetings; Police Scotland officers targeted my family by supplying false information to police counterparts in Ireland resulting in armed Garda and social workers forcibly removing our children from our care; Police Scotland despatched their nominated perjurer to testify against our mental health for reporting a paedophile; Police Scotland colluded with the Social Services’ solicitors at a family hearing by sending a confidential letter I wrote to the Home Secretary detailing crimes against children in an attempt to discredit me as “delusional” for reporting paedophilia; Police Scotland sent in a complaint at this same hearing (26/02/2015) about my complaint - not of DS MacDougall’s perjury but because they believed that, as the court was In Camera, he should have been allowed to commit perjury without repercussions; Police Scotland officers have insisted on knowing our family’s travel plans for returning to Scotland through the Solicitor for Social Work in Ireland. Do you accept that Police Scotland is, based on this evidence, institutionally paedophilic?

Do you agree that in this instance your officers (some of them senior) have targeted the innocent for reporting paedophilia and protected those guilty of paedophilia?
Would you accept that there is a network of people within Police Scotland, one could almost call them a brotherhood, who put the interest of their members before that of justice and decency and integrity and openness?
Would you accept that these officers and this brotherhood are more beholden to powerful people within this, say, secretive network, than, say, the law of the land or the rule of law?
Do you accept that perhaps one of the reasons why the stop and search records were ‘lost’ or ‘accidentally deleted’ by police Scotland (which was gargantually disproportionate compared to stop and search in London) is that these searches included the patting down of very young children of primary school age by police Scotland officers? 
What risk do primary children pose to the police? Why would some Police Scotland officers find patting down children so necessary or be so drawn to doing this – and why would some officers want to cover up paedophilia? Answers on a postcard to The Docherty Family, exiled in Ireland. Why is it so important that your officers discredit my family and on whose behalf are they acting?
Why has HMIC refused to investigate this matter? Derek Penman was informed of this in 08/14 and again in 01/15. Penman won’t respond and his minions lie by email playing the office email game.
Why did HMIC even state that they had not received my complaints in August 2014?
Why have you refused to investigate this matter given that you have been informed by the Scottish Government of this despicable affair?
Do you accept that senior officers have acted in a wicked and corrupt fashion in this affair? Do you think it is a coincidence that three of the officers who have acted so obviously corrupt have been of the rank Sergeant? “The Defence Lawyer” Sgt Buchan; “The Perjurer” DS MacDougall; and the Irish Garda’s “The Complicit” Sgt Murphy whilst their senior officers pull their thick strings?
If you were evaluating Police Scotland for integrity, transparency, accountability and decency what score would you give your force?
Would you agree with some of my politician friends that Police Scotland has acted shamefully, despicably and in a reprehensible disgusting and in a criminal matter?
Would you agree that by Police Scotland passing on my letter to the Home Secretary (Nov 2014) to an Irish Solicitor it was also an attempt by Police Scotland to undermine the Home Secretary who has rightly tried to stamp out corruption – including paedophilia, in the police service south of the border?
Would you agree with police Scotland officers that I am “obsessed” with paedophilia and am
“delusional” for writing letters to two directors of educational (one director of Perth and Kinross Council and one director of Aberdeenshire Council, formerly deputy director at PKC) who had covered up the sexual abuse of my daughter in school grounds while she was in primary one (2008), and for refusing a sex offender “access” to my disabled son? (2014)
Do you accept that Police Scotland has acted as a law unto itself - unaccountable and corrupt – whose officers bragged (to me) that Police Scotland is unaccountable to parliament and others?
Why do you think the National Crime Agency also stated they had not received my documents about your corrupt officers – sent from my email?
Are you aware that there are currently Irish Garda monitoring my family and I where we stay – no doubt at some of your senior officers behest – when we have not only not committed a crime but reported serious crime and despite the Judge’s ruling.
After I sent complaints to Professional Standards none of your officers have been in touch despite knowing both my email addresses. Would you care to comment as to why they are not even pretending to investigate our very serious illegal treatment at the hands of police Scotland? Do you think it is acceptable that a family should be targeted in the way we have by ‘police officers’ using and abusing every power they have to destroy my family to cover up police corruption and paedophilia by my neighbour and his associates?
Are you aware that your officers have lied to the Guardian at Litem, a social worker who reports to the family hearing, in the full knowledge that this will destroy my family?
Can you appreciate that your officers are still trying to take from us what matters to us most – our children, whom we were trying to protect from the very beginning from a violent paedophile? (Ironically, reporting paedophilia to your officers was my biggest mistake.)
My wife has collapsed, I have had a heart attack and my children can’t sleep easy and are frightened of the police after we reported a paedophile to the police. What do you think is wrong with this statement?
Would you accept that ultimately you are accountable for your officer’s actions in this disgusting affair?
Would you admit that a sizeable amount of your officers are out of control?
Would you reflect that had the practices of an obscene number of stop and searches and an equally obscene practice of using firearms when not applicable demonstrates that the Police Scotland on paper is working on operating procedures of a quasi-police state?
Do you agree that Police Scotland is to protect and serve the public and should be accountable to parliament and not protect and serve illegal vested interests and be unaccountable to law makers.
If Police Scotland actions with regard to my family could be characterised not as an institution but as an individual – how would you describe this individual? – my view would be that this person is not only criminal but in the words of an eminent psychiatrist describing a particular Viscount - a [child abusing] sociopath. Please do not try to establish which psychiatrist said this – this man has children. Would you accept that Police Scotland power has never been so strong and public confidence in the police never been at such a low ebb?
Would you care to comment that Police Scotland processes for reporting crime and contacting officers to report crime are light years out of date compared to the Met. It almost appears like a crime reporting prevention service. Don’t contact us – we’ll arrest you.
On a personal note, I have taught history for 14 years and always encouraged my students to apply rigorous critical thinking. Never before could I empathise to the degree I can now as to what it is like to be denied legal rights, hounded and attacked and treated like an enemy of the state as the Jews were by the Fascist Police State. I now can appreciate the horror of this much more, though clearly not to the same extent – I have Police Scotland to thank for that. Bravo.
I look forward to your non written reply. Perhaps I will only appreciate that you have read this when your officers either attempt to arrest me in Scotland or liaise even more aggressively than they are currently, not officially of course, to arrest me through Irish Garda in Ireland. 
I don’t know what sickens me more - the illegal and disgusting nature of your officers’ actions or the cowardly and shameful way they have persecuted my family in order to cover up paedophilia.  Yours sincerely,

Mr. Brian Docherty.

Ms Nicola Sturgeon MSP
The First Minister 
The Scottish Parliament
7th February 2015.

Dear Ms Sturgeon,
Re: The Docherty Family, victims of police and social work corruption after reporting a paedophile. Reference Number: 2015/0004422
You received a dossier of information in November 2014 regarding a paedophile and his powerful benefactor in Aberdeenshire and, importantly, the collusion and support of local police and social service officers. After this neighbour offered me cash for access to my disabled son Sebastian, his titled friend, Viscount Petersham, threatened us with social services if we reported this matter to the police. We reported this paedophile, Alan Low, to the police. Two weeks later, after no real investigation, the police sent a shockingly inaccurate concern report to social services attacking my children whom they had never seen.
The Viscount’s threat was becoming a reality. 
The Concern Report’s author, PC Lamont, was - upon my query as to why she had written such inaccuracies – was unaware of the contents of ‘her’ report and wanted to meet me with her union representative to sort things out. I was advised against meeting with her.
My family were then targeted very aggressively by social services in Aberdeenshire whilst at the same time being threatened, intimidated and our property attacked.
I am deeply saddened and disappointed to discover that these documents sent to you requesting support and protection from criminal activity threatening my family was given by the Scottish Government to the very agency who was perpetrating the attack on my family. The Scottish Police. It was revealed in court on Monday 2nd February by a Scottish Police Officer that the information I sent to Downing Street was sent on to the Scottish Government who then passed this highly sensitive information on to Police Scotland officers in Aberdeenshire – the very people who I complained about in the first instance, making clear we needed help to resolve this matter. 
In other words, despite being the victims, and with a young family who have been victims in this despicable affair, the information sent to you ended up in the very hands of the promoted police officers who were part of this criminal activity trying to destroy my family.
Perhaps this officer felt perfectly safe to reveal these details given that we have had no help from the Scottish Government, not even a response to one of the four detailed emails I have sent you and the Justice Minister’s office.
Surely senior politicians could have anticipated the reaction from Police Scotland given that the Police are widely acknowledged in Scottish society as an organisation not noted for being transparent or accountable (as perfectly demonstrated by the email from HMIC) - quite the contrary! - and their senior officers are very often members of a secretive organisation – the kind of which Viscount Petersham would exercise an unhealthy influence. 
Not only did the Scottish Police not investigate this matter, but they used this information to attack my family. Even the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary have informed me by email that they will not investigate this matter and have tried to pass the buck to another body. The National Crime Agency even denied receiving my documents. Police in Aberdeenshire have form in arresting those who protest against paedophilia and employ officers who have even been accused of child sex abuse. 
Surely you can see that not only have you washed your hands of us – Scots forced out of their country by a paedophile, a Viscount and a few corrupt officers in police and social services – but your government has also placed my family in great danger. The kind of danger which resulted in my children being placed into ‘care’ in Ireland; the kind of danger that has a Scottish Detective Sergeant lie repeatedly under oath, question me and my wife’s mental health – apparently reporting a paedophile makes us delusional in this detectives assessment (can a Detective Sergeant really be this naïve – has he just been transferred from Noddy’s Toy Town – is he incapable of reading newspapers – or is he motivated by a promise of promotion and a substantial increase in his bank account?) and campaigned viciously for our children being removed from our care permanently – all for reporting a crime. Sadly, it has been well documented in the last year alone, in Rotherham, how corrupt some Police Officers are on this issue. The Police as a body may not be transparent but this officer’s lack of integrity certainly is.
The goal here is to discredit and silence. The goal here is for the powerful to control the weak. The goal is for networks to use their influence to flaunt the law. 
The agenda could not be clearer than when Police Scotland in Aberdeenshire and Social Services in Aberdeenshire sent a Police Officer and Social Worker over to our Family Hearing in Ireland to put the boot in for reporting crime. We were a family who had never been in contact with social services until we reported this paedophile. No-one from Aberdeenshire Police or Social Services has ever seen our children and yet both bodies felt the need to send someone over to Ireland in an attempt to ensure our children were put into care.
Is it normal to send over a police officer and social worker at taxpayer’s expense to attack a happy, healthy, stable family with the sole purpose being to destroy our family unit? I very much hope not!
You have recently said, First Minister, that you want to be the First Minister of all Scots. My innocent family are Scots who had to leave our country and possessions behind, were threatened by a Viscount who has used police and social services to protect his close friend and paedophile Alan Low and conceal crimes. We have not only been threatened but our house in Scotland was broken into, furniture tampered with to harm the children; the greenhouse rigged for the glass to fall on the children (which it did) and dead animals placed outside our door, death threats made late at night and our vehicles vandalised (all reported to officers but none of which was investigated by Police Scotland)
If you want to be the First Minister of all Scots, if you believe in equality and justice for all, not just for the rich and powerful, the titled and influential; then you will investigate and protect our family before even greater damage and injustice is done.
When the Police received this information they lost no time in putting together a hunting party (or multi-disciplinary task force is the euphemism). A representative, chosen from each of the three agencies targeting my family, were at this special strategy meeting, planning the destruction of my innocent family. The timing is clearly not a coincidence, i.e. after the receipt of information and statements written by me and passed to them by the Scottish Government.
I would like to question whether it is normal for the government, given the severity and the risk involved, to hand over a dossier detailing police corruption to the police?
This multi- disciplinary group then liaised with Irish Police and Social Services to seize my innocent children and placed them into ‘care’ with armed response officers attending our house because of the danger my family presented with our small children and two guinea pigs. The only danger we presented was from telling the truth. 
My family became victims again. My children suffered terribly being taken away from their parents. We came to you for help – instead my family was punished for reporting crime again –this time with the help of the Scottish government. 
It is unsurprising that the letters I sent detailing the crime and corruption were the only things not passed onto the social workers in Ireland who had a very aggressive and prejudiced approach to this matter based entirely on the false information given to them from Aberdeenshire. This information contained factual inaccuracies, omissions and downright lies all designed by this hunting party who stood to benefit from concealing these crimes – furnished as they were with the information you sent to them.
I feel very saddened by your government’s actions. Is it any wonder that child abuse investigated is almost always ‘historic’? Scotland is one of the last country’s to announce an historic sex abuse enquiry. Why did the Scottish government not support us in our time of great need and desperation?
What is it about the issue of paedophilia that had a conservative whistleblower’s dossier destroyed in the eighties; an SNP stalwart who reported on this issue allegedly short himself ‘twice’ in the head in the mid eighties and a Labour MP who reported on this issue only last year stated that he was threatened and his car wheels almost came off in November 2014. This is a house of cards that must come down.
Or perhaps I should just send this email to the Viscount and the police myself and cut out the middle man?
I cannot believe your government has done this to my family. This is, quite frankly, bloody appalling and a national disgrace. 
Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty.
Cc: The Justice Secretary Michael Matheson MSP; Elizabeth Smith MSP.
Bcc: Graeme Pearson MSP Former Director of SDEA
Formerly of : East Lodge, Crimonmogate, Lonmay, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 8SE.

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