Monday 15 March 2010

SK-H149 - Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, notification of crime & reaction

SK-H149 - Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, notification of crime & reaction
Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig,
part 2:
notification of crime & reaction

Monday, 15 March 2010 11:12 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour .

UK, March 15, 2010 (Pal Telegraph; commentary by Peter Eyre) -In Part 1 of this series we covered the general overview of the Hollie Greig story as told by Robert Green. We will now continue by explaining the initial notification to the Grampian Police and to other authorities and events that followed after this initial response.

It was back in 2000 that Hollie's mum had been beaten by her husband and she decided to leave him and went to a hostel with Hollie. It was whilst they were alone together in the hostel that Hollie told her mum that they had to go and get the dogs. Anne said not to worry we will get the dogs but Hollie insisted that they go otherwise he will kill her two pet dogs. Anne then started to question Hollie on this issue and the story of abuse slowly came out. Apparently her father used this tool as a leverage for him to carry out his activities.....he had also told Hollie that he would also kill her mum. Hollie by this time was 20 years old.

The next day Hollie's Carer came around and so Anne decided to discuss this with her. Anne was shocked with her response to the later came out that the Carer was part of the ring of peodophiles.

Anne then decided to take Hollie to the Bucksburn Police station in Aberdeen to report the incident. At this stage it was only concerning the abuse by her father. Hollie spent around three days with the police who cross examined her over her sexual abuse. Hollie had told the police that her father had started doing this when they were on holiday in Brazil which meant that this was when she was only 6 years old. The police had not given any feedback to Anne during or after the three day's questioning. Brian Adam MSP also wrote a letter to Elish Angiolini (the Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen) as an introduction to Hollie's case. This letter is shown at the end of this article

Anne had been at the hostel from May - 10th of July 2000 and eventually was given accommodation by Aberdeen Council and some weeks after this Anne received a call from the Procurator Fiscal's Office at 6-30pm on night to say that they were sorry, that it wasn't because they did not believe Hollie but the evidence provided was not substantial and the case would not be going to court.

Anne continues talking to Hollie over the summer break and it was then that the involvement with others started to come out. Hollie had said that her brother was also involved. It appeared that her brother was first sexually abused by the father and that he had then become a peodophile and part of the ring. Apparently Anne's son had been involved in some other incident in Aberdeen but got away with it after the case was handled by a lawyer called Buchanan. This lawyer himself was involved in the paedophile ring and later became the Sheriff of Aberdeen (the office he still holds to this day).

Anne then decided to speak with the police officer involved in Hollie's case and asked if there was an expert that Hollie could be referred but the police notified Anne that there was no funding for this. Anne became very upset about this and told the officer that if he didn't have the funding then she would do this herself. This cost Anne between 600-700 pounds to get hold of a doctor (DR. Jack Boyle) in Glasgow where Hollie was interview. The doctor eventually wrote a full report and told Anne that her daughter had described to him that Hollie had been subject to sexual activity etc.

On the 25th of August 2000 Anne went back to the police station to tell them about these other people in the hope that something would come out of this. Anne was now aware that many people were involved covering the Sheriff of Aberdeen - Buchanan, police officer involved in forensics, fireman, accountant, lawyer, oil engineer, women etc all amounting to around 14 people approximately. At times it would appear that Hollie was subjected to what can only be described as "Gang Rape."

Anne eventually managed to access Hollie's Medical Reports and found out that back in 1990 a Dr.Paul Carter who was connected to the Children Hospital in Aberdeen and Hollie's school had reported to her GP and Headmaster that Hollie had contracted a sexually transmitted disease. Anne was never told about this despite the fact that Hollie was only 9 years old at the time. No action was taken on this issue which would indicate some sort of cover up. Two years later in 1992 her teacher reported to Dr. Carter that Hollie was showing signs of sexual abuse because she was pelvically thrusting. This was also reported to her GP and Headmaster and again Anne was never told. (Copy of this letter is held as proof by the Palestine Telegraph).

The Police also accessed her medical notes and Anne spoke with an Inspector Dowell who was asked if he had read Hollie's medical notes.....
the Inspector stated that he had not read them personally to which Anne said "I think you should" and went on to describe to him that at the age of 9 Hollie had a Sexually Transmitted Disease and in 1992 was showing signs of sexual abuse and that nothing had been done about it. The fact that Hollie was in a Specialist School one would have thought that any wrong doings would have involved notification of the parents. It became very clear that one big cover up was going on here.

It later became known to Hollie's mum that the Headmaster was known to the Policeman and his wife who were all involved in the Paedophile Ring. Hollie later told her mum that the headmaster had sexually abused her also. One has to understand not only the size of the ring of Paedophiles but also the level of sexual abuse that took place. Hollie was subject to being raped both back and front. Hollie complained of pain in her bottom and a medical check was carried out which revealed damage etc.

To recap on this story we have all of the above being reported to the Grampian Police....the list of offenders, list of other victims and the medical records and still the police did nothing. The Procurator Fiscal Office had said they couldn't do anything. Later that summer Anne and Hollie went back to the police station and they were both separated from each other. Anne was interviewed by Leanne Davidson and a Police Sergeant and she explained what Hollie had told her and Davidson took her statement. After Anne had finished she joined up with Hollie who was sitting with Nicolla Foot (a Social Worker) and Hollie was crying. Mum told Hollie not to worry and took her for her favourite meal at Mc Donalds but Hollie was too upset to eat it.

Anne took Hollie home and on the way Hollie told her mum that the Social Worker had stuck a needle in her leg. Anne immediately went back to the police station and told them what had happened. Leanne Davidson said she would try and get a police doctor. They both waited for two and a half hours only to be told that they couldn't find a police doctor so they would have to go home.

Anne managed to get an appointment with a new local GP who refused to do a blood test as in her opinion it was not necessary. The doctor did suggest Hollie does a urine test and to go home and post the sample in. Some days later it came back negative. Just before the 5th of September 2000 Anne got a phone call from the above GP who asked Anne to come up to the surgery. Anne said what for and the GP said we are concerned about your finger (which had been previously broken by her abusive husband when they split up).

Anne became extremely concerned as to why after such a long period of time the doctor would want her to go up to the was obvious that the GP had something else in mind. The following Tuesday Anne was making up some curtains when Hollie asked her to make her a sandwich. Anne opened a tin of ham and made a sandwich. She then decided to go down to the bin room to throw it away as her own bin was full. She went to the bin room and one the way to the front door she found police and other men and women standing there. Anne walked past them to the bin room and on the way back was approached by the GP. The lady doctor addressed her and Anne said "what's going on here" and the doctor asked her to come inside. Anne again asked the doctor why was she here and the doctor replied "We are here to section you" and replied "There is no way, these are just lies from my husband, something has to be done about this as I am the innocent party" that stage four men came and bodily lifted me up and taken into the entrance to the building where I was thrown onto the concrete floor, turned onto my stomach, my trousers and pants were taken down, I was screaming blue murder at the time and all my neighbours were out shouting leave her alone she has not done anything. I was injected in my backside and knocked out. Hollie was watching all this and must have wondered what the heck was going on.

Anne woke up in a mental hospital with two doctors talking blood out of my arm.

This became the start of another battle for Anne as she was very concerned as to what had happened to Hollie. Anne later found out that I was taken away in an ambulance and they went into my home and took Hollie into care. Whilst in care they took her to see her father, despite the fact that they knew that the father had abused her. It was Social Services who had done this and one would ask why on earth they would do such a thing. Anne in the meantime got a lawyer and also at this time she noticed a board with numbers on it so she phoned a help line. The adviser said to her that if she does not agree to what they are saying, they will slap another section on you. She had already been sectioned for three days and if they had done another section it would have been for possibly another six weeks and if you still do not agree they will slap another 6 months on you.

After Anne got out after the three days she accessed her medical notes, under the freedom of information. Whilst she was in the hostel Anne was being watched with an intended plan to section her....which is what they did......all of this information was in the medical notes. The two Doctor's watching her was a Dr. Henderson and a Dr. Sweeney. Anne drove down to Fife to see a lawyer and she put her in touch with a top psychiatrist and both Anne and Hollie went down to Glasgow for that appointment. She spent the whole day with the Doctor and a report was written.

The psychiatrist told Anne she was a normal person and issue a report accordingly. Her lawyer then complained to the authorities that Anne was perfectly ok. The Mental Health Commission wrote back to the lawyer and said that Anne would have to make this complaint herself. Anne then wrote a letter of complaint and she got her letter back stating they had received my letter of complaint. Anne lawyer did get a letter back eventually which stated that they had no record of Anne sectioning and no reference to Anne being seen by a Dr Palin or the legal people in Aberdeen etc. One can sense here a total cover up by the Police, the Scottish Legal System and the Mental Health.

It is at this stage that I will stop this story right there and return with Part 3 which will reveal the next horrific chapter in Anne's life concerning the death of her brother Robert under very suspicious circumstances. I again repeat that each of these articles is copied to the Prime Minister's Office, To David Cameron and Nick Clegg with no response whatsoever. It should be noted that on TV last night (The Politics Show) Gordon Brown again said we have to protect our children......So Mr Brown go and do it. It is left to we the public to continue applying the pressure in order to bring justice for poor Hollie Greig and her mum.

Peter Eyre - Middle East Consultant - 15/3/2010

To view the original article CLICK HERE

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it is for the gratification of the inadequate

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